Susan Hileman Female Firepower 2019 Speaker

Susan Hileman


Every woman has a defining moment—a moment where you push through the self-doubt, where you find the inner strength to achieve the goal! Personal power is about what leads to that moment.

Have you ever looked around and realized there were things in life you wished you could change? Sometimes, it’s simple changes that add peace or joy such as taking time for yourself or mindful gratitude. Other times, particularly for women, we worry about (what seem like) life-changing decisions that can weigh heavily upon us or even paralyze us with fear. The truth is, no one gets a life that is automatically fulfilling. No one.

Every woman has a defining moment—a moment where you push through the self-doubt, where you find the inner strength to achieve the goal! Personal power is about what leads to that moment. The decisions that profoundly influence or change the outcome. Personal growth is often a result of that defining moment and those decisions.

Susan Hileman of RED Day Communications will present, “Personal Power, Personal Growth”. Her message is about understanding the lessons that come with experiencing passion, pain, perseverance and perspective, all which offer you the courage to change. These life lessons will challenge us, build our confidence, deepen our commitment, and inspire us to reach for the fulfilling life we want to live. It’s the realization that we are ready!